Age: 18
Height: 5' 7'' / 170cm
Weight: 141lb / 64kg
Race: Human
Birthday: December 29th
Introducing the main character! Yoshiya, or Isa as he prefers to be called even though it's his last name, is a highly adaptable, sagacious and somewhat cunning ambivert. He is a multifaceted individual who despite being the player character, is absolutely his own fully fledged person!
Although far from being his only interests, Isa does tend to gravitate towards many things considered traditionally "girly." These include romantic novels, cutesy simulation games, stuffed animals (although he's recently stopped buying those), etc. Additionally, he has much more knowledge of makeup, hair care, nail care, skin care, diet balance and women's fashion than most people would expect from a guy.
This all stems from the fact that Isa's family is entirely female, his father having passed away while he was very young, according to his mother. Consequently, many of Isa's interests tend to coincide with the interests of his three sisters, with some of them, mainly his abilities to apply makeup, do nails and style hair, being direct results of two of them just not wanting to do those things themselves.
Isa didn't learn these skills begrudgingly however, he chose to learn them out of his own curiosity. He absolutely could have refused to entertain his siblings' laziness, and none of them would have held it against him outside of some whining. It just so happens that he's the type of person who enjoys learning new things, and with no one around to unfairly shame him for it, he never really had any reason to shy away from activities that other guys may have considered "too feminine."
That being said; As a result of his close relationship with his sisters, along with the fact that, due to the limited schooling options in his hometown all of them went to school together, for the better part of his life Isa hadn't really had any male friends at all.
This is all to say that Isa tends to feel most comfortable around women, and other guys tend to avoid him due to his femininity. Not out of malice mostly, they just find him difficult to speak to in the same way that they would a girl, and conversely, girls tend to find him easier to speak to since he often shares their interests.
It's no wonder then that in his new and intimidating city environment, he would meet and befriend many girls in his grade, if only to find some comfort in something familiar. How these friendships will develop and what experiences await him as he begins his new urban life have yet to be seen!
Kana: "Uuu..."
Alys: "Wow, that looks even better on you than I thought it would."
Kana: "I don't know... I don't like it."
Alys: "Really? But you look great."
Isa: "Yeah, I really like that on you."
Kana glances at me before just as quickly averting her eyes and covering her chest.
Kana: "...You're banned from having an opinion on this one."
Isa: "Why??"
Kana: "Anyway-"
No, really, what did I do...
Kana: "-I think this is a little too revealing if I'm being real with you Alys."
Alys: "It's not any more revealing than what I'm wearing right now."
Kana: "And that would be too revealing too!"
Alys: "Hmm..."
Kana: "I feel like people would stare at me way too much if I were to wear this anywhere."
Isa: "Isn't that a good thing though?"
Kana: "How would it be??"
Isa: "I mean, how wouldn't it be?"
Alys: "No, I get what she's saying. I'm just used to it I guess, but I can see why Kana wouldn't want that kind of attention."
Kana: "Right?"
Isa: "Hmm... I still don't really get it. I kind of like it when people look at me, it means that I look good, right?"
Kana: "...Yeah, well, you're weird so, I'm not surprised that you feel that way."
Isa: "Weird..."
Alys: "I don't think you're weird Yoshiya. She's just messing with you."
Isa: "Thank you Alys..."
Kana: "Of course she'd say that! She's biased!"
Alys: "Regardless, what Kana's talking about isn't exactly what you're talking about, I think. She means that people will just be looking at her sexually, and that's what she doesn't like. Not staring out of appreciation for her outfit or anything."
Kana nods.
Isa: "Hm? That is what I'm talking about, though? That first thing, I mean."
Alys: "...Oh."
Isa: "Yeah. We were on the same page."
Alys: "Interesting..."
Kana: "See? I told you."
Age: 18
Height: 4' 6'' / 137cm
Weight: 135lb / 61.2kg
Race: Oni
Birthday: February 4th
Kana is a carefree, outgoing and somewhat clumsy girl who appears to be able to get along well with pretty much anyone. She's the type to relish small victories and power through minor setbacks.
Getting something she really wanted on sale, finding lost money on the street or making a new, genuine friend mean a lot to her, while she'll hardly ever dwell on things like losing money herself, being lied to or making small mistakes, instead using these as learning experiences.
However, while she doesn't dwell on things that upset her, it doesn't at all mean that she's a pushover, and contrary to her cheery exterior, she doesn't at all struggle with making hard decisions or cutting someone off if she believes they're a negative influence on her life, so it's best not to grow complacent.
She absolutely loves video games, especially ones that she can win in, and has frequented arcades since a very young age, fighting games in particular being her favorite due to the inherently competitive nature of them. A different side of her may come out during a heated match, although she doesn't like to talk about it.
Being an Oni she's monstrously strong, and despite her size, she's actually much stronger than the average Oni at that, although it's a level of power that is more or less useless in the peaceful modern era outside of physically demanding jobs, such as manual labor.
Knowing this, she'll often volunteer to use her impressive strength to help out around school, taking on strenuous tasks like carrying heavy boxes or moving desks and other furniture all at once. While she feels like this is a worthwhile use of her natural abilities, she has no plans to pursue unskilled work as a career.
She tends to warm up to people who don't struggle to keep eye contact faster than those who do, but beyond that she seems extremely easy to befriend.
Kana: "Can I try some of that?"
Isa: "Sure, go ahead."
Kana: "I don't have a spoon though."
Isa: "Oh yeah, right... You can just use mine I guess-"
Kana: "Just feed it to me."
Isa: "Huh?"
Kana: "Here. Ahh~"
Isa: "..."
Kana: "Mmm!! Phas rerry gom (that's really good)."
Isa: "Don't talk with your mouth full..."
Kana swallows.
Kana: "It was better than I thought it'd be! More please."
Isa: "Sure."
Kana: "Mmm!"
Isa: "..."
Isa: "...You know, for someone who really didn't seem to like the idea of date like activities, you're surprisingly chill with feeding, or being fed in public."
Kana: "Hm? Mmm..."
Kana swallows what she's eating before speaking.
Kana: "Well, I don't care what they think. I care what you think."
Isa: "Is that so?"
Kana: "Mhm, since we're friends. As long as you understand me, everything's fine."
Isa: "I see..."
Isa: "...You're a really interesting person, Kana."
Kana: "I know, right? Don't fall for me though."
Isa: "I can't make any promises."
Age: 19
Height: 5' 5'' / 165cm
Weight: 113lb / 51.2kg
Race: Elf
Birthday: December 12th
Alys is a stubborn and capricious but good natured girl who refuses to mince words, and as a result has few close friends. Contrary to the controlling perfectionist vibe that she likes to give off though, she's actually most comfortable in situations where she can just go with the flow, be it in a conversation or a relationship.
However, even if she would much prefer to be lazing around, she's been considerably multitalented since a young age, and as a result has lived much of her life driven on by other's expectations of her, especially since she's had to bear the burden of living in the shadow of her mother's long life of accomplishments, since childhood.
She hates lies, and somewhat hypocritically, she's especially averse to people who lie to themselves or put up facades, and this intolerance has drawn permanent rifts between her and people she was once very intimate with.
Being a member of the now relatively small but, on average, disproportionately wealthy race of Elves, as well as the daughter of one of Elf societies most influential members, Alys was born sheltered and privileged. As a result she lacks some forms of common sense, mostly having to do with money and the value of things.
Despite her flippancy with regard to material wealth, as an Elf, Alys was taught by her mother from a young age to greatly value nature, in fitting with old Elven tradition. Although very many generations have passed since Elves were allowed to freely commune with nature, and as such, most elves don't care nearly as much as they used to about the environment and its upkeep.
Regardless, Alys has accepted it as her personal duty, passed down to her by her mother, to preserve the beauty of the natural world, despite her generation's trend towards indifference.
She appreciates anyone willing to sacrifice a weekend to plant trees or pick up litter in a park, and will get along best with those who do so without complaining.
Alys: "Traditionally for elves, blue is a color associated with purity, while yellow is used to signify corruption."
Isa: "Interesting. I'd never heard about that before."
Alys: "I figured. That's why I told you."
Isa: "Right."
Isa: "Hmm... What about the sun then?"
Alys: "The sun isn't yellow, it's white."
Isa: "Sunflowers are yellow, though."
Alys: "That's unrelated."
Isa: "How's it unrelated? Sun is in the name."
Alys: "Look, the sun can't be corrupt, it's the sun."
Isa: "Sounds kind of biased to me."
Isa: "The sky's blue. What if that's what's protecting us from the sun's evil?"
Alys: "That's stupid."
Isa: "I feel like it's the same level of stupid as like, assigning good or evil to colors."
Alys: "I didn't make this up you know? This is a central part of my culture that you're calling stupid right now."
Isa: "Fair enough, sorry."
Isa: "But also, don't you think the whole blue is good thing probably has more to do with the fact that elves themselves are blue?"
Alys: "Like our hair?"
Isa: "Yeah."
Alys: "...Yeah, probably."
Isa: "Right?"
Alys: "Or... maybe our hair is blue because we're inherently good."
Isa: "...Right..."
Alys: "Think about it."
Isa: "No, I thought about it. I'm going to have to go with a 'probably not' on that one."
Alys: "You don't think I'm a good person?"
Isa: "It's less what I think about you specifically and more like, there's definitely no way that out of everyone in the history of your entire race there are no bad people."
Alys: "True. Although, counterpoint, not everyone has the same blue. Some elves have like a lavender. Or a bluish grey"
Isa: "So those are the bad ones?"
Alys: "Potentially"
Isa: "Actually, I feel like this conversation has gone off the rails a bit."
Alys: "A little bit. But we've got to talk about something, do you just want to plant in silence?"
Isa: "No, probably not. It'd make it feel longer."
Alys: "Exactly."
Isa: "Hmm... Oh, right, so then what about blondes?"
Alys: "In elvish, blonde hair was referred to as golden, not yellow."
Isa: "Huh? Gold is yellow."
Alys: "No it's not, it's gold."
Isa: "No, this is like a square, rectangle type of situation. Gold is yellow, it's just that yellow isn't gold."
Alys: "Wrong."
Isa: "You can't just say 'wrong.'"
Alys: "I did though."
Isa: "..."
Alys: "And besides, even if you weren't wrong, that's how it is. We don't group gold and yellow together."
Isa: "Well, I'm saying that you should."
Alys: "Okay, think of it like this: If I told you that something was grey, and then it turned out to be silver, you would feel like I had lied to you, right?"
Isa: "..."
Alys: "Right?"
Isa: "...Alright, yeah."
Alys: "See? It's the same. They don't feel like they're the same thing, so they're categorized differently."
Age: 18
Height: 5' 10'' / 178cm
Weight: 145lb / 65kg
Race: Demon
Birthday: April 30th
Kaela is a conscientious, introverted girl who goes out of her way to keep her surroundings under her direct control as much as is feasibly possible. Most of the time she comes off as carefree or detached, but in reality she simply refuses to wear her true feelings on her sleeve, although a rare few are able to force those true colors out of her.
Being someone with many closely guarded secrets, she's not quick to open up to people, and isn't very likely to even start trying to get to know someone unless they seem useful to her in one way or another.
You would expect someone so blatantly untrusting to have a troubled home life or a family devoid of love, but while it may well be troubled in some respects, mostly on the financial end; her home life is actually exceptionally warm, with her parents and siblings all loving her very much.
That is to say that Kaela was not raised to be this way, either ending up the way that she is as a response to other factors, or perhaps, just having been born like this.
As far as hobbies go, along with a love for fiction, and really just reading in general, Kaela is also a huge history buff, her finding it easier to hold a conversation about politics than many of her peers, and taking delight in heated debate. She will often play devils advocate in a discussion simply to test how strong someone's beliefs are.
Being a Demon, or Svartálfar as they generally prefer to be called, Kaela is very magically powerful. Something her race had prided themselves in before the restrictions on magic usage were instated worldwide, in no small part due to their rampant misuse of it. In spite of the law, Kaela uses her abilities in secret nonetheless, simply because they're convenient, much to the dismay of her parents.
She's likely to take at least a passing interest in anyone who expresses dissatisfaction with the current state of the world.
Isa: "Make yourself at home..."
Kaela: "So this is what your apartment is like."
Kaela: "Your family certainly is well off."
She said it matter-of-factly, as if she were confirming something that she was told.
Isa: "...Where did you hear that from?"
Kaela: "I have my sources."
How ominous...
Kaela: "Although, you do also give off the impression of someone who came from wealth."
Isa: "I do?"
Kaela: "Yes."
Isa: "I see... I don't know how I feel about that."
Kaela: "For most people it would be a positive."
Isa: "Sure, but... What about with you?"
Kaela: "I judge people based on their character, not their background."
Isa: "Oh, I see. That's good-"
Kaela: "However, you having money is useful to me, so I can't say that it holds no weight at all."
Isa: "...You could have just left that part out, you know."
Kaela: "I know."
I sigh as Kaela continues taking stock of the place.
After tapping on one of the walls she turns back to me.
Kaela: "Your walls aren't soundproofed?"
Isa: "Huh? Uhh, I don't know actually. I don't think so?"
Isa: "My neighbors have been pretty quiet anyway, so it hasn't really been a big deal..."
Kaela: "Hmm..."
Isa: "...Why do you ask?"
Kaela: "No reason in particular"
Age: 26
Height: 6' 2'' / 188cm (Without heels)
Weight: 180lb / 81.6kg
Race: Siren
Birthday: July 12th
Io is free spirited and self made. Everything she has she worked hard for, earning her the adoration of many, even now, years after her modeling career had concluded.
She's known to be rash and impulsive, as well as lazy and self serving, believing that she's earned the right to be after pulling her and her family out of poverty. Why the principal and other teaching staff still put up with her when she regularly and unapologetically disregards school regulations is unknown.
In fact, it's unknown why she chose to be a teacher at all, seeing as how she clearly doesn't have much drive for it, some speculating that she may have some kind of secret relationship with the principal himself.
Either way, she seems content with her current job despite arguably not being very good at it, although other areas of her life have been causing her stress as of late.
She may seem frivolous, and, well... she is, but she's also been known to have an unshakable moral compass. Being as impulsive as she tends to be though, she is prone to making poor decisions, especially in stressful situations.
Although now retired as a model, Io still keeps up with fashion, her sometimes unbusinesslike attire being one of the many points of contention between her and other staff.
Being a Siren, Io possesses the ability to sway people with her voice, especially those of the opposite sex. In most other Sirens, this usually isn't that useful of an ability, contrary to what the general public may believe, generally resulting in more of a soothing or therapeutic effect than anything bordering on mind control. Io's aptitude is unusually strong however, so it's possible that she can, and likely has performed even more impressive feats.
Io allows stares to a certain extent, since she's quite proud of her looks, but she'll be sure to let anyone who has been looking for too long know when she's had enough. She's easily won over by unsolicited and sincere acts of kindness, being so used to pretension empty flattery.
Io: "Then, will you start?"
Isa: "I did suggest it, so I kind of feel like I should."
Io nods.
Io: "Go ahead then."
Isa: "..."
Although... now I'm kind of drawing a blank on what I should start with...
I guess I should do something silly to begin with and work my way up in intensity.
Isa: "...What's the most embarrassing thing you've done in public?"
Io: "Skip."
Isa: "Huh?"
Io: "Alright, my turn."
Isa: "No, wait- You can't skip!"
Io: "You didn't say that was a rule."
Isa: "Okay. It's a rule then."
Io: "No, it's too late now, the game's already started. Unless you want to stop and start over."
Isa: "Then-"
Io: "I can't guarantee I'll want to play again, though."
...How childish.
Isa: "Fine... let's continue."
Io: "Then it's my turn. What's more important, looks or money."
Isa: "Looks."
Io: "Wrong."
Isa: "...What do you mean, wrong? That's my opinion."
Io: "It's the wrong opinion."
Isa: "..."
Io: "It's your turn."
Isa: "I know."
Isa: "What would you change about yourself if you could?"
Io: "I'd probably make my butt bigger."
Isa: "That's something you actually could do though."
Io: "I'm aware."
Is she planning to..?
Isa: "Also... don't you think that would be overkill?"
Io: "...How do you figure?"
Isa: "Like, proportionally. Don't you think it'd be too much going on? I think you look great as is, your hips are already really wide anyway."
Io: "Hmm... Maybe."
Io: "Alright, then which do you prefer, butts or boobs?"
This has taken a weird turn.
Isa: "...Boobs, I guess? If I was forced to choose."
Io: "There. That's why you think that."
Isa: "..."
Io: "Alright, What would you do-"
Isa: "Huh? Why are you going twice?"
Io: "Because you went twice?"
Isa: "No I didn't."
Io: "You did. You asked what I would change about myself and then whether or not I thought it would be overkill."
Isa: "Oh... Does that count?"
Io: "I'm counting it, so yes."
Isa: "Fine, I guess."
Io: "Then like I was saying, what would you do if someone were leading you on?"
Isa: "...Like you are?"
Io: "I'm counting that as one of your questions."
Isa: "That means you'd have to answer it then-"
Io: "Skip."
Isa: "...You..."
Io: "Now, answer mine."
Age: 18
Height: 5' 6'' / 171cm
Weight: 105lb / 47.6kg
Race: Sidhe
Birthday: November 3rd
Kyt is easily frightened... to put it mildly. More accurately, she seems to have an extreme aversion to almost all places, things and people. This being the case, she's fairly difficult to track down, which is by design, she would rather not be found.
As far as anyone can tell, she seems to not have any friends, or even acquaintances. Even more strangely, most people don't acknowledge that she's there at all, although it's unclear as to whether they're ignoring her or if they somehow truly can't perceive her.
The answer likely lies in her race. Animal-like races aren't really all that unusual, although they are a minority, but Sidhe specifically are highly unusual, nonexistent even. Sidhe are a deeply magical race that are intrinsically tied to Witches, and even children know that Witches went extinct long ago.
Despite her mysterious origin however, Kyt herself isn't a very complicated person. She prefers peace of mind, so she won't agree to anything potentially dangerous, including but not limited to, going on a car ride, going on a bus ride, going on a train ride, eating hard candies, swimming, etc.
Kyt is easily won over if she believes she'll be taken care of or protected, so making her feel safe is probably the best bet for anyone looking to get closer to her. On the other hand, she will actively avoid people who come on too strong.
She doesn't talk much, so paying close attention to her body language is especially important when trying to communicate with her, especially her tail and ears, as they appear to move involuntarily.
Kyt: "Why... do you talk to me so much?"
Isa: "I can't?"
Kyt: "No... I didn't mean that."
Kyt: "I'm just... curious. I-I'm not very interesting, so..."
Isa: "I think you're interesting though."
Kyt: "..."
Isa: "I will admit that I only really started talking to you because you were kind of mysterious, and it made me want to figure out what was up with you... But as I got to know you more I stopped thinking about those things entirely. Now I just see the two of us as friends."
Kyt: "Friends...?"
Isa: "Yeah, friends."
Isa: "Oh, unless... you don't see it the same way, then-"
Kyt shakes her head furiously as her tail starts to wag.
Kyt: "No! We are! F-friends I mean..."
Isa: "Then that's that. Friends are supposed to talk to each other and I enjoy talking to you, so I do it."
Kyt: "I-I see..."
Age: 18? She's in your grade, so probably...
Height: 5' 2'' / 157cm
Weight: N/A
Race: Witch, supposedly
Birthday: N/A
Peal is an enigma. She doesn't seem to act towards any clear goals, or make decisions based on logic. As far as anyone can tell, the sole criteria she uses to determine whether or not something is worth doing is if it's "fun."
Next to nothing is known about her personal life, although she has hinted at the idea of her having a family, and she doesn't seem to have any friends. She doesn't seem particularly interested in actually making friends either, although she's been known to allow people to call themselves her friends after interacting with them at least once, even if she herself never goes out of her way to speak to them again.
She's wearing many more charms than the average magic attuned person, so it can be assumed that she possesses very powerful innate abilities, or has the potential to wield very powerful magic. This isn't surprising if you take her claims of being a Witch at face value, since Witches were one of the most powerful mortal races of their time, second only to Angels some historians say.
But keeping in mind that Witches are extinct, it's unlikely that this is the whole truth. She doesn't seem interested in explaining any further though, most probably because it wouldn't be any fun.
Peal doesn't seem very easy to get close to, and with so few personal relations it's difficult to discern what she may or may not like in an individual. You'll likely just have to entertain her.
Isa: "Come to think of it, didn't you go home?"
Peal: "I left, I didn't go home though. Why do you ask?"
Isa: "Ah, never mind then, that explains it. I was going to ask why you were still wearing your uniform."
Peal: "Ohh, I see. Hahaha."
Isa: "..."
Peal: "What's up?"
Isa: "I don't know... Something about that laugh made it feel like what I said wasn't right."
Peal: "Oh wow, you have gotten to know me pretty well."
Isa: "Okay, what did I say that was wrong then?"
Peal: "Well, my staying out isn't the reason that I didn't change."
Isa: "What? How does that make sense?"
Peal: "Or, to put it another way, I wouldn't have changed even if I had gone home."
Isa: "Oh, okay. I get you now."
Isa: "Why not though?"
Peal: "Don't have a reason to."
Isa: "But you've been wearing that all day. Isn't it just nice to change into something fresh?"
Peal: "It's not like it got dirty."
Isa: "What about sweat?"
Peal: "I don't sweat."
Isa: "...Of course you don't."
Isa: "..."
Isa: "...Actually, come to think of it, you do have other clothes to change into, right?"
Peal: "Yeah, of course."
Isa: "Oh, alright."
Peal: "Were you expecting me to say I didn't?"
Isa: "A little, honestly."
Isa: "...They're like, your own clothes though, right? As in, you're not saying that you have clothes to wear because you can just take any from anywhere, or something like that?"
Peal: "They're mine, yeah. Or, I guess they're mine now, but they were also mine before."
Isa: "What does that mean?"
Peal: "Good question!"
Isa: "Okay."
Isa: "Well, whatever. As long as they're your belongings it's fine."
Peal: "That they are."
Isa: "Right."
Age: 20
Height: 5' 6'' / 170cm
Weight: 125lb / 56.6kg
Race: Angel
Birthday: January 6th
Beth is an opinionated, misanthropic and cynical individual who is truthfully, fairly difficult to get along with. One might say that she's a victim of circumstance.
Being an Angel and consequently subject to extremely strict, and in her view antiquated rules and traditions, she feels like she fits in neither with her own race, or wider society.
Although she loathes that she can't freely be who she wants to be simply because of the race she happened to be born as, she doesn't go so far as to shirk her responsibilities as an Angel, since without that purpose she feels like she would truly have nothing.
She hopes that by working her way up the ranks, she'll eventually gain a high enough position to be able to make the changes she feels are necessary.
Angels are incredibly powerful, arguably the most magically powerful race on average, and since Angels as a group have been tasked by the world government with protecting the peace, they also happen to be one of the very few races that are allowed to freely wield their abilities in pursuit of that goal.
Beth is single minded and not easy to keep up with. It's likely that a common goal would be necessary for any kind of approach to be successful, especially for a human.
Beth: "I mean, you're free to refuse. I wouldn't suggest it though."
Isa: "...What happens if I refuse?"
Beth: "I'll be forced to use my authority as a DoN official to detain you, and you'll be subsequently relocated to and held in detention at one of our facilities, where you'll be questioned until your threat potential has been fully evaluated."
Isa: "..."
Beth: "So? What'll it be?"
Isa: "I'm kind of starting to get the impression that you hate me or something."
Beth: "I'm required to give you the option to refuse, and what I just rattled off is straight out of the handbook, so it's not like I'm treating you any worse than anyone else."
I'm not sure if I believe that.
Beth: "If anything, suggesting that you shouldn't refuse was an act of kindness, since I'm not actually required to do that. And I only have to tell you what happens if you refuse, if you ask."
Isa: "Going off of that, I'm assuming that people usually don't ask, then?"
Beth: "Exactly."
Isa: "I see... Thank you very much."
Beth: "You're welcome."
Age: Never ask a woman her age
Height: 6' / 183cm
Weight: 132lb / 59.9kg
Race: Elf
Birthday: April 30th
Retired politician turned model, and retired model turned teacher, Ilse is a well respected and accomplished community figure. So accomplished in fact, that implying that she was just another model or just any politician is selling her extremely short, even despite how impressive those titles are in their own rights.
Being the humble person that she is though, you'd never hear a word about her genuinely significant contributions to society and media from the woman herself.
Of course, not hearing it directly from her doesn't mean you wouldn't hear about it at all, as you'd have to be living under a rock to have never heard of Ilse Lavena, even now, a couple of decades after she decided to move on from her life as a public figure.
This being the case, she's earned the adoration of most of the student body as well as a large portion of the teaching staff, with women in particular tending to idolize her due to her status as a Root, one of the matriarchs of Elven high society. A title that means less now than it used to, but is powerful nonetheless.
However, while Ilse finds all of this very flattering, she also feels that it's unfortunate that there aren't many people that can hold genuine conversations with her. With Io being one of the very few people and the only fellow teacher that she recognizes as a legitimate friend.
Them having known each other through modeling before Ilse's retirement, It's possible that this friendship played some role in why Io chose to become a teacher to begin with, potentially following in the footsteps of her good friend... but who can say.
Ilse holds strong opinions on government and matters of sociology, as one would expect from a former politician. But seeing as how she retired from politics fairly young (by elf standards), it can be inferred that she didn't believe that she was making the kind of change that she wanted to, despite all of her success.
It's not clear whether she simply gave up, found some kind of alternative method to achieve her goals, or if her goals themselves changed. Either way, as far as anyone can tell, these days she seems the prioritize her students, as well as catching up with things that she missed out on over the course of her careers, like movies and television, over pulling big stunts like she used to.
Ilse: "In my opinion, men don't even start being real people until at least their forties, if at all... So the difference between a good young man and a bad young man is how earnestly they try to understand what they're lacking."
Ilse: "So by my standards at least, you're on the right track."
Ilse is a married woman, Alys's mother and potentially more than ten times older than Yoshiya among other things. Needless to say, she isn't interested.
Age: 18
Height: 5'5'' / 165cm
Weight: 126lb / 57.2kg
Race: Nommo
Birthday: April 1st
Being a self proclaimed detective and genius, it almost goes without saying that Hau has certain... quirks to her. Despite her eccentricities however, she actually happens to be really easy to talk to. At least if you can handle the occasional insult to your intelligence or threat to your life.
Hau is the club president of the infamous literature club, as well as it's sole active member, where she "publishes" the highly controversial (unofficial) school newspaper.
Her articles tend to be rife with conspiracy, unsourced allegations and scathing personal attacks, which, needless to say, result in her being regularly reprimanded by both the student council as well as teaching staff.
Although strangely, despite all the pushback Hau receives for the contents of the (unofficial) school newspaper, she's never been outright forced to end its publication. This is likely because, surprisingly, more often than not, her predictions turn out to be right on the mark, leading some to wonder if her claims of investigative prowess might be more than simple hubris.
Despite being frequently mistaken for a Kappa, much to her annoyance, Hau is instead a proud member of the Nommo. An amphibious race of people from the Southern Province that were said to have come from the sky, although there is no verifiable historical record of this event.
While many tend to dismiss this story, the true origin of the Nommo is actually fairly dubious, with them having not been claimed by any specific archon, possibly lending credence to the idea that they really did arrive from somewhere else entirely, since they're one of the very few races with an indeterminate lineage.
Isa: "Hey, so, I think it's safe to say by now that we're friends, right?"
Hau: "I hate you."
Isa: "See, we even have in jokes like that. We must be friends."
Hau: "...Where are you going with this?"
Isa: "Well, you're the only friend I have that I haven't hung out with outside of school."
Hau: "I'm a very busy person. Unlike you."
Isa: "You must be free at least for a little while on some days though, right?"
Hau: "..."
Hau: "...Look, even if we were friends-"
Isa: "Which we are"
Hau: "Which we are not- I don't think we'd need to hang out outside of school to say that we were."
Isa: "Hmm..."
Hau: "We're not though."
Isa: "Right. I mean, we are, but anyway- I don't exactly think we 'need' to... I was just thinking about how we never hang out, and it made me feel kind of guilty. So, I just want to."
Hau: "It's fine."
Isa: "Ah right, here's some water, I almost forgot."
Hau: "...I can't be bribed into hanging out with you like this."
Isa: "That wasn't my intention."
Despite what she said, Hau gratefully accepts the water.
Hau: "...What would the two of us even do together? I'm not planning to become part of your harem, if that's what you're after."
Isa: "Okay, well, first of all, I don't have a harem."
Hau: "No need to be humble."
Isa: "I'm not being humble. It just doesn't exist."
Hau: "Why? Because one of them doesn't like you enough yet?"
Isa: "I don't know if it's a 'yet' kind of situation with her, but also-"
Hau: "It doesn't actually matter. The fact that you knew what I was talking about means that I'm right."
Isa: "..."
Hau: "Of course, I was always right. Since I am always right."
Isa: "Whatever."
Age: 18
Height: 4' / 122cm
Weight: 84lb / 38.1kg
Race: Onikuma
Birthday: February 10th
Class representative, consistent top scorer and current treasurer for the student council, BB is every teacher's dream student. On top of all that, she's also cute, cheerful and easy to get along with, making her something of a celebrity, not only within her year, but the school as a whole.
Taking all that into account, she's basically the polar opposite of her best friend, Hau, and the peculiar relationship between one of the most famous students and the by far most infamous student in the academy is a topic of much interest, especially among the third years.
If one were to ask her fellow student council members however, they'd likely tell you that the two aren't nearly as mismatched as they might initially appear to be, and in fact, if you had the luxury to choose, you'd be much better off with the frog than the bear...
BB is an Onikuma, a steadily declining race of people native to the forests of the island off of the eastern coast of the Eastern Province.
No one quite knows exactly why their numbers are dwindling so rapidly relative to the other races, but the idea has been put forth that they might just potentially be unable to adjust to the peaceful nature of the modern era.
Either way, it's something that BB herself doesn't seem to be all that bothered by, instead appearing content to cheerfully live her own life how she sees fit, with lots of friends and increasingly fewer enemies.
Isa: "Hey BB, while I've got you here... You're like, the person to go to for information, right?"
BB: "Who told you that?"
Isa: "One of our classmates. Anyway, so-"
BB: "No no no. One of classmates, who? A name, please."
Isa: "...Why do you want to know so badly?"
BB: "I'm just curious."
BB: "So, who was it?"
Isa: "...I don't remember all of a sudden. Sorry."
BB: "Hm. Alright, good answer. So, what did you want to know?"
Isa: "What, was that some kind of test?"
BB: "Nah, I was just messing around with you."
Isa: "Ah, okay-"
BB: "It's a good thing that you didn't tell me though."
Isa: "..."
BB: "For their sake, I mean."
Isa: "No, yeah, I picked up on that."
Age: 19
Height: 5'11'' / 180cm
Weight: 137lb / 62.1kg
Race: Elf
Birthday: January 16th
Torin is a stoic but kindhearted individual who cares greatly for others and is always looking for ways to better himself, believing that a person never truly stops growing unless they allow themselves to.
Ever since he was young, Torin had always been chasing after Alys's shadow. Having grown up together, with their families being on very good terms with one another, it was basically a foregone conclusion that whatever Alys did, Torin did also.
The problem with this being that, while Alys is exceptional at pretty much everything she does, which is a lot of things, Torin is, in his own words "decidedly average." Meaning that, to keep up with Alys even a little bit, he had no choice but to put in significantly more effort than she did, and for worse results.
Obviously, that's not the kind of dynamic that can persist forever, and by the time of their second year, Torin had made the tough decision to focus on himself; Committing to just the one thing that he really enjoyed doing, track and field, and finally establishing a more comfortable distance between him and his closest friend.
Torin tries his best to choose his words carefully, and so typically ends up not saying very much, but even with this being the case, people who know him well tend to enjoy holding conversations with him, as his very deliberate way of speaking leaves very little room for misinterpretation.
A very positive trait that, unbeknownst to Torin, Alys herself seems to be attempting to emulate as she interacts with others, even to this day... to varying levels of success.
Isa: "Hmm... What should I wear?"
Torin: "Does it matter?"
Isa: "Of course it matters, it's a party. You have to dress your best."
Torin: "Is that how that works?"
Isa: "It is. Like, people will obviously remember what you wore to a party right?"
Torin: "I guess."
Isa: "And so, help me out. What do you think I should wear?"
Torin: "...Wait, you wanted my advice?"
Isa: "Why are you so surprised?"
Torin: "No, uh... It's just that, I think our fashion senses aren't really..."
Isa: "Hm?"
Torin: "..."
Torin: "...Never mind. I'll give it some thought since you're asking."