A dynamic story with a branching narrative built around your choices, you have the option to embark on one (or all) of seven unique character routes, many of which then continue to evolve based on your decisions, leading to multiple potential endings!
With over sixty unique locations (without even counting time of day and seasonal variants), as well as an average of roughly ten CGs unique to each route, on top of all the CGs for the different common route branches, SweetCanvas boasts a significant amount of lovingly crafted original artwork designed to fully immerse the player.
SweetCanvas boasts an extremely robust soundtrack of over three hundred and fifty music tracks (including variations).
The reason being: in pursuit of an experience that the player can completely lose themselves in, the decision was made early on that on top of the characters each having their own unique, individual themes, as is standard of VNs, each girl's route will also feature it's own fully personalized soundtrack to further emphasize their individuality!
This means that the auditory experience of the visual novel will change completely depending on which route you happen to be on, with the overall feel of SweetCanvas preserved through the use of recurring leitmotifs and consistent musical direction.
On top of all of that, SweetCanvas will also have an animated opening, as well as several other animated sequences for climactic events, ranging from between one to three minutes of completely original, high quality animation!
These will be professionally produced, featuring work from myself as well as accomplished animators such as Weilin Zhang (Boruto, One Piece, Mob Psycho 100 Season 2, Pokémon: Twilight Wings etc.) and others to be announced!